

1. 本《云墨云注册协议》(以下简称“本协议”)是您(以下简称“您”或“用户”)与云墨云网站(网址:www.cdnvps.cn)的经营者高州市云墨云网络咨询服务中心(以下简称“云墨云”)之间关于您注册并使用云墨云以获得相应服务(以下简称“云墨云服务”)所订立的对双方有约束力的协议。

2. 云墨云已经发布的或未来可能发布的各项服务对应的服务协议、使用规则、结算规则、法律声明等,均构成本协议的组成部分,与本协议具有同等法律效力。如果本协议某一(些)条款被认定为无效,而其他条款仍能保持有效且其执行不受影响,云墨云可决定是否继续履行该等其他条款。

3. 请您认真阅读本协议并充分理解本协议各条款的内容。如果您对本协议的条款有疑问的,请通过云墨云网站所载的联系方式进行咨询,云墨云将向您解释条款内容。一旦您按照注册页面提示填写信息、提交文件、阅读并同意本协议且完成注册后,即表示您已经充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容。如果您不同意接受本协议或其任何条款的约定或无法准确理解云墨云对本协议条款的解释,您应当立即终止注册程序及在云墨云网站上的任何操作。

4. 您理解并同意,云墨云有权根据法律法规的变化及经营需要,不时对本协议条款进行修改并公布在云墨云网站,您应在确认充分理解并同意更新后的本协议后方使用云墨云服务。一旦您开始使用云墨云服务,将被视为对本声明和政策内容的接受和认可。

5. 您确认,您是具备完全民事权利能力和完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或其他组织(以下简称“法律主体”)。如果您不具备前述法律主体资格,请立即终止注册程序及在云墨云网站上的任何操作,且云墨云有权注销您的账号。云墨云因此受到损失的,将向您和/或您的监护人索赔。


1. 账号的获取


2. 注册信息


3. 实名认证


4. 账号安全


5. 账号查询、冻结及注销


1) 国家司法、行政、安全机关等权力机构要求的;

2) 您通过云墨云账号的操作和交易存在违反本协议约定、法律法规和/或侵犯第三人合法权益的情形的;

3) 云墨云基于单方面的合理判断,认为您的账号操作、交易记录等存在异常的;

4) 您的账号遭到其他用户投诉,且投诉用户提供一定证据予以证明的;

5) 您连续12个自然月未使用您的账号登录云墨云网站,且您的账号中不存在未到期的云墨云服务的;

6) 您实施了影响或侵害云墨云和/或云墨云关联公司的合法权益的行为,包括但不限于:

a. 违反云墨云和/或云墨云关联公司的服务协议、条款及规范等内容;

b. 破坏或试图破坏云墨云和/或云墨云关联公司公平交易环境或正常交易秩序;

c. 任何使用含有云墨云和/或云墨云关联公司的名称、品牌且有误导性的表述或标识,明示或暗示与云墨云和/或云墨云关联公司具有某种关系的;

d. 云墨云认为可能是与上述行为性质相同或存在上述类似风险的其他情形。


  1. 您在使用云墨云服务的过程中,应当遵守国家、地方法律法规、行业惯例和社会公共道德。不得利用云墨云进行储存、发布、传播以下信息和内容:

    1) 违反国家法律法规政策的任何信息;

    2) 违反国家规定的政治宣传和/或新闻信息;

    3) 涉及国家秘密和/或安全的信息;

    4) 封建迷信和/或淫秽、色情、下流的信息或教唆犯罪的信息;

    5) 博彩有奖、赌博游戏;

    6) 违反国家民族和宗教政策的信息;

    7) 妨碍互联网运行安全的信息;

    8) 侵害他人合法权益的信息和/或其他有损于社会秩序、社会治安、公共道德的信息。


  1. 您保证不会利用技术或其他手段破坏或扰乱云墨云秩序及网络安全。

  2. 如果您使用的某项服务中包含可下载的云墨云软件,则云墨云仅授予您非独占性的、不可转让的、非商业性的使用许可。您不得复制、修改、发布、出售或出租服务或所含软件的任何部分,也不得进行反向工程或试图提取该软件的源代码。

  3. 您应当尊重云墨云及其他第三方的知识产权和其他合法权利,并保证在发生侵犯上述权益的违法事件时尽力保护云墨云及其股东、雇员、合作伙伴等免于因该等事件受到影响或损失。

  4. 云墨云可能会以电子邮件、手机短信、电话等方式通知您服务进展情况以及提示您进行相关操作,但云墨云不保证您能够收到或者及时收到该邮件、手机短信或电话等。因此,在服务过程中您应当及时登录到云墨云查看和进行相关操作。因您没有及时查看和进行相关操作而导致纠纷或损失的,云墨云不承担责任。

  5. 您应当遵守您与云墨云签订的任何书面协议的约定,包括与云墨云签署的线下合作商务协议/服务协议、本协议及构成本协议组成部分的使用规则、结算规则、法律声明等。

  6. 如果您通过云墨云使用的某项服务来自第三方的任何产品或服务,您还可能受限于该等第三方的相关条款和条件,云墨云对此不予过问亦不承担任何责任,本协议不影响您与该第三方的法律关系。





六、 不可抗力



  1. 您理解并同意,您在使用云墨云服务及相关网络服务过程中存在的风险将完全由您本人承担,云墨云在本协议约定的责任范围以外不承担任何责任。

  2. 在法律允许的情况下,云墨云对于与本协议有关的任何间接的、惩罚性的、特殊的、派生的损失(包括但不限于业务损失、收益损失、利润损失、使用数据、商誉或其他经济利益的损失),不承担任何责任,即使事先已被告知此等损失的可能性。

  3. 您理解并确认,对于云墨云向您提供的下列服务本身及其引发的任何损失,云墨云无需承担任何责任:

    1) 云墨云向您免费提供的各项网络服务;

    2) 云墨云向您赠送或附赠的任何产品或服务。

  4. 您理解并确认,云墨云可能因下列情况无法正常提供服务,云墨云就此不承担损害赔偿责任:

    1) 云墨云在系统停机维护期间;

    2) 电信设备出现故障不能进行数据传输;

    3) 由于黑客攻击、电信部门技术调整或故障、网站升级、银行方面的问题等原因而造成的服务中断或者延迟。

  5. 您理解并同意,因您使用云墨云服务、违反本协议或在您的账号下采取的任何行动,而导致的任何第三方索赔,应且仅应由您本人承担。如果由此引起云墨云及其关联公司、员工、客户、供应商和合作伙伴被第三方索赔的,您应承担全部责任。

  6. 您通过云墨云服务访问和使用的云墨云合作伙伴或入驻云墨云的第三方服务商的服务质量仅为该第三方的责任,对于该第三方的服务,云墨云在任何情况下都不会承担责任。





1. 本《云墨雲註冊協議》(以下簡稱“本協議”)是您(以下簡稱“您”或“用戶”)與云墨雲網站(網址:www.cdnvps.cn)的經營者高州市云墨云网络咨询服务中心(以下簡稱“云墨雲”)之間關於您註冊並使用云墨雲以獲得相應服務(以下簡稱“云墨雲服務”)所訂立的對雙方有約束力的協議。

2. 云墨雲已經發布的或未來可能發布的各項服務對應的服務協議、使用規則、結算規則、法律聲明等,均構成本協議的組成部分,與本協議具有同等法律效力。如果本協議某壹(些)條款被認定為無效,而其他條款仍能保持有效且其執行不受影響,云墨雲可決定是否繼續履行該等其他條款。

3. 請您認真閱讀本協議並充分理解本協議各條款的內容。如果您對本協議的條款有疑問的,請通過云墨雲網站所載的聯系方式進行咨詢,云墨雲將向您解釋條款內容。壹旦您按照註冊頁面提示填寫信息、提交文件、閱讀並同意本協議且完成註冊後,即表示您已經充分閱讀、理解並接受本協議的全部內容。如果您不同意接受本協議或其任何條款的約定或無法準確理解云墨雲對本協議條款的解釋,您應當立即終止註冊程序及在云墨雲網站上的任何操作。

4. 您理解並同意,云墨雲有權根據法律法規的變化及經營需要,不時對本協議條款進行修改並公布在云墨雲網站,您應在確認充分理解並同意更新後的本協議後方使用云墨雲服務。壹旦您開始使用云墨雲服務,將被視為對本聲明和政策內容的接受和認可。

5. 您確認,您是具備完全民事權利能力和完全民事行為能力的自然人、法人或其他組織(以下簡稱“法律主體”)。如果您不具備前述法律主體資格,請立即終止註冊程序及在云墨雲網站上的任何操作,且云墨雲有權註銷您的賬號。云墨雲因此受到損失的,將向您和/或您的監護人索賠。


1. 賬號的獲取


2. 註冊信息


3. 實名認證


4. 賬號安全


5. 賬號查詢、凍結及註銷


1) 國家司法、行政、安全機關等權力機構要求的;

2) 您通過云墨雲賬號的操作和交易存在違反本協議約定、法律法規和/或侵犯第三人合法權益的情形的;

3) 云墨雲基於單方面的合理判斷,認為您的賬號操作、交易記錄等存在異常的;

4) 您的賬號遭到其他用戶投訴,且投訴用戶提供壹定證據予以證明的;

5) 您連續12個自然月未使用您的賬號登錄云墨雲網站,且您的賬號中不存在未到期的云墨雲服務的;

6) 您實施了影響或侵害云墨雲和/或云墨雲關聯公司的合法權益的行為,包括但不限於:

a. 違反云墨雲和/或云墨雲關聯公司的服務協議、條款及規範等內容;

b. 破壞或試圖破壞云墨雲和/或云墨雲關聯公司公平交易環境或正常交易秩序;

c. 任何使用含有云墨雲和/或云墨雲關聯公司的名稱、品牌且有誤導性的表述或標識,明示或暗示與云墨雲和/或云墨雲關聯公司具有某種關系的;

d. 云墨雲認為可能是與上述行為性質相同或存在上述類似風險的其他情形。


  1. 您在使用云墨雲服務的過程中,應當遵守國家、地方法律法規、行業慣例和社會公共道德。不得利用云墨雲進行儲存、發布、傳播以下信息和內容:

    1) 違反國家法律法規政策的任何信息;

    2) 違反國家規定的政治宣傳和/或新聞信息;

    3) 涉及國家秘密和/或安全的信息;

    4) 封建迷信和/或淫穢、色情、下流的信息或教唆犯罪的信息;

    5) 博彩有獎、賭博遊戲;

    6) 違反國家民族和宗教政策的信息;

    7) 妨礙互聯網運行安全的信息;

    8) 侵害他人合法權益的信息和/或其他有損於社會秩序、社會治安、公共道德的信息。


  1. 您保證不會利用技術或其他手段破壞或擾亂云墨雲秩序及網絡安全。

  2. 如果您使用的某項服務中包含可下載的云墨雲軟件,則云墨雲僅授予您非獨占性的、不可轉讓的、非商業性的使用許可。您不得復制、修改、發布、出售或出租服務或所含軟件的任何部分,也不得進行反向工程或試圖提取該軟件的源代碼。

  3. 您應當尊重云墨雲及其他第三方的知識產權和其他合法權利,並保證在發生侵犯上述權益的違法事件時盡力保護云墨雲及其股東、雇員、合作夥伴等免於因該等事件受到影響或損失。

  4. 云墨雲可能會以電子郵件、手機短信、電話等方式通知您服務進展情況以及提示您進行相關操作,但云墨雲不保證您能夠收到或者及時收到該郵件、手機短信或電話等。因此,在服務過程中您應當及時登錄到云墨雲查看和進行相關操作。因您沒有及時查看和進行相關操作而導致糾紛或損失的,云墨雲不承擔責任。

  5. 您應當遵守您與云墨雲簽訂的任何書面協議的約定,包括與云墨雲簽署的線下合作商務協議/服務協議、本協議及構成本協議組成部分的使用規則、結算規則、法律聲明等。

  6. 如果您通過云墨雲使用的某項服務來自第三方的任何產品或服務,您還可能受限於該等第三方的相關條款和條件,云墨雲對此不予過問亦不承擔任何責任,本協議不影響您與該第三方的法律關系。





六、 不可抗力



  1. 您理解並同意,您在使用云墨雲服務及相關網絡服務過程中存在的風險將完全由您本人承擔,云墨雲在本協議約定的責任範圍以外不承擔任何責任。

  2. 在法律允許的情況下,云墨雲對於與本協議有關的任何間接的、懲罰性的、特殊的、派生的損失(包括但不限於業務損失、收益損失、利潤損失、使用數據、商譽或其他經濟利益的損失),不承擔任何責任,即使事先已被告知此等損失的可能性。

  3. 您理解並確認,對於云墨雲向您提供的下列服務本身及其引發的任何損失,云墨雲無需承擔任何責任:

    1) 云墨雲向您免費提供的各項網絡服務;

    2) 云墨雲向您贈送或附贈的任何產品或服務。

  4. 您理解並確認,云墨雲可能因下列情況無法正常提供服務,云墨雲就此不承擔損害賠償責任:

    1) 云墨雲在系統停機維護期間;

    2) 電信設備出現故障不能進行數據傳輸;

    3) 由於黑客攻擊、電信部門技術調整或故障、網站升級、銀行方面的問題等原因而造成的服務中斷或者延遲。

  5. 您理解並同意,因您使用云墨雲服務、違反本協議或在您的賬號下采取的任何行動,而導致的任何第三方索賠,應且僅應由您本人承擔。如果由此引起云墨雲及其關聯公司、員工、客戶、供應商和合作夥伴被第三方索賠的,您應承擔全部責任。

  6. 您通過云墨雲服務訪問和使用的云墨雲合作夥伴或入駐云墨雲的第三方服務商的服務質量僅為該第三方的責任,對於該第三方的服務,云墨雲在任何情況下都不會承擔責任。



Yonyou Cloud Registration Agreement

1. Special Tips

1) This "Yonyou Cloud Registration Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") is an agreement signed between you (hereinafter referred to as "you" or "user") and the operator of Yonyou Cloud website (www.cdnvps.cn), Yonyou Network Technologies Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yonyou Cloud") with respect to your registration and use of Yonyou Cloud to obtain the corresponding services (hereinafter referred to as "Yonyou Cloud services").

2) This agreement, including the validity, interpretation, modification, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of PRC.

3) The service agreements, usage rules, settlement rules, and legal statements of the services that have been issued or may be released in the future by Yonyou Cloud constitute parts of this agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement. If one or more terms of this agreement are found to be invalid and the other terms are still valid and their execution is not affected, Yonyou Cloud may decide whether to continue to fulfill these valid terms.

4) Please read this agreement carefully and fully understand the terms of this agreement. If you have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please contact us through the contact information available on the Yonyou Cloud website. Yonyou Cloud will explain the terms to you. Once you fill in the data, submit the documents, read and agree to this agreement and complete the registration as indicated on the registration page, you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire contents of this agreement. If you do not agree to accept the terms of this agreement or any of the terms, or cannot accurately understand the interpretation of the terms in this agreement by Yonyou Cloud, you should immediately terminate the registration process and all operations on the Yonyou Cloud website.

5) You understand and agree that Yonyou Cloud reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement and publish them on the Yonyou Cloud website from time to time in accordance with changes in laws, regulations and business needs. You should use the Yonyou Cloud services after confirming that you fully understand and agree to the updated agreement. Once you start using the Yonyou Cloud services, you are deemed to have accepted and recognized this statement and policy contents.

6) You confirm that you are a natural person, legal person or other organization (hereinafter referred to as "the legal subject") who has full capacity for civil rights and civil conducts under the laws of PRC and the laws of the country, nation, state or area of which you reside as the legal subject. If you do not have the above legal qualifications, please immediately terminate the registration process and all operations on the Yonyou Cloud website, and Yonyou Cloud has the right to annul your account. If Yonyou Cloud suffers losses as a result, we will claim against you and/or your guardian.

2. Yonyou Cloud Account

1) Obtain Account

After completing all the registration procedures on the Yonyou Cloud website, such as filling in the registration information on the Yonyou Cloud website registration page, reading the "Yonyou Cloud Service Agreement", and completing the account activation, or Yonyou Cloud has provided you with a Yonyou Cloud account in other ways, you have got an account of the Yonyou Cloud and officially become a Yonyou Cloud user.

2) Registration Information

You should ensure that the information you fill in during the registration process is accurate, true, and complete. If there is any change in your information (including but not limited to contact address, phone number, email address, etc.), you should promptly log into the Yonyou Cloud to update it. If Yonyou Cloud finds that the registration information you filled in is incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete, or cannot contact you with the contact information you filled, Yonyou Cloud shall have the right to require you to correct and update the relevant information immediately.

3) Identity Verification

You understand and agree that even if you have obtained the Yonyou Cloud account, it does not mean that you have opened all the services of Yonyou Cloud. To protect account and transaction security, Yonyou Cloud may request you to submit more identity data and information at any time to complete the identity verification of the account. Only by completing the identity verification of the account, you can use the corresponding Yonyou Cloud services. You authorize Yonyou Cloud to inquire and review your identity and data through third parties.

4) Account Security

You should take good care of your Yonyou Cloud account and password. All operations performed by your Yonyou Cloud account cannot be withdrawn and will be deemed as the only identification basis for your identity and behavior. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. Please pay attention to protecting the security of your Yonyou Cloud account and password, and log out safely after using the Yonyou Cloud services. Unless in accordance with the laws or with the consent of Yonyou, you must not disclose, transfer or give your Yonyou Cloud account to any third party in any way, otherwise Yonyou Cloud reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, and even annul your account. Once you discover that any person uses your Yonyou Cloud account and password without your authorization, you should notify Yonyou Cloud immediately, and Yonyou Cloud will take appropriate measures within a reasonable time. But for the loss occurred before we taking measures, Yonyou Cloud does not assume any responsibility.

5) Query, Freeze and Annul Account

You understand and agree that Yonyou reserves the right to make inquiries (including but not limited to inquiry of registration information, transaction information, funds information, etc.), freeze and/or annul your account in accordance with reasonable judgment in the following circumstances:

(1) According to the requirements of the national judiciary, administrative, security agencies and other authorities;

(2) You have violated the agreements, laws, regulations and/or infringed third parties' legal rights through the operations and transactions of your Yonyou Cloud account;

(3) Based on unilateral reasonable judgments, Yonyou Cloud believes that the operations, transaction records, etc. of your account are abnormal;

(4) Your account has been complained by other users and they have provided evidences;

(5) You haven't used your account to log in to Yonyou Cloud website for 12 consecutive months, and there are no unexpired Yonyou Cloud services in your account;

(6) You have implemented actions that affect or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of Yonyou Cloud and/or Yonyou Cloud affiliates, including but not limited to:

a. Violate the terms of this service agreement, terms, and specifications of Yonyou and/or Yonyou affiliated companies;

b. Destroy or attempt to destroy the fair-trading environment or normal trading order of Yonyou Cloud and/or Yonyou Cloud affiliates;

c. Any use of the name, brand, or misleading representation or logo that contains Yonyou Cloud and/or Yonyou Cloud affiliates, expressly or implied to have a relationship with Yonyou Cloud and/or Yonyou Cloud affiliates;

d. Yonyou Cloud believes that it may be the same as the above behaviors or other situations with similar risks mentioned above.

3. Yonyou Cloud Usage Rules

  1. When using the Yonyou Cloud services, you should abide by national and local laws and regulations, industry practices, and social public morals of PRC and of the country, nation, state or area of which you resides as the legal subject. Do not use Yonyou Cloud to store, publish, and disseminate the following information and contents:

(1) Any information that violates the laws and regulations of the country, nation, state or area of which you resides as the legal subject;

(2) Violation of state regulations on political propaganda and/or news;

(3) Information involving state secrets and/or security;

(4) Feudal superstitions and/or obscenity, pornography, obscene information or information on abetment of crimes;

(5) Gambling and lottery games;

(6) Information that violates national ethnic and religious policies;

(7) Information that hampers the security of Internet operations;

(8) Information that infringes the legitimate rights and interests of others and/or other information that impairs social order, social security, and public morality.

In addition, you must not provide any facilities for others to publish and disseminate the above-mentioned information that does not comply with the state regulations and/or this agreement, including but not limited to setting up URLs, BANNER links, etc.

  1. You guarantee that you will not use technology or other means to undermine or disrupt the order of Yonyou Cloud and network security.
  2. If you use a service that includes downloadable Yonyou Cloud software, Yonyou Cloud will only grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-commercial license. You may not copy, modify, publish, sell or rent any part of the services or included software, reverse engineering or attempt to extract the source code of the software.
  3. You should respect the intellectual property rights and other legal rights of Yonyou and other third parties, and ensure that in the event of infringement of the aforementioned rights and interests, every effort is made to protect Yonyou Cloud and its shareholders, employees, partners, etc. from being affected by such events or loss.
  4. Yonyou Cloud may inform you of the progress of the services and notify you to perform related operations by email, SMS, and phone, but Yonyou Cloud does not guarantee that you can receive or receive the e-mail, SMS, or phone call. Therefore, during the service process, you should log into the Yonyou Cloud to view and perform related operations in a timely manner. Yonyou does not assume responsibility for any dispute or loss caused by your failure to promptly review and perform related operations.
  5. You shall abide by any written agreement between you and Yonyou Cloud, including the offline cooperation business agreement/service agreement with Yonyou Cloud, this agreement and the usage rules, settlement rules and legal statements that form parts of this agreement.
  6. If you use any product or service provided by a third party through Yonyou Cloud, you may also be subject to the terms and conditions of the third party. Yonyou Cloud does not ask questions nor assume any responsibility for this. The agreement does not affect your legal relationship with the third party.

4. Yonyou Cloud Privacy Policy

Please refer to and follow the "Yonyou Cloud Privacy Policy", which is updated from time to time on the Yonyou Cloud website.

5. Intellectual Property

Except for products or services provided by Yonyou Cloud's suppliers, partners, or third-party service providers settled in the Yonyou Cloud, the intellectual properties of all contents on the Yonyou Cloud, including but not limited to books, pictures, files, information, data, architecture, and page design, are legally owned by Yonyou Cloud and affiliated companies, including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, etc. You may not use, copy, modify, transcribe, transmit, distribute, or publish the above contents in any way or for any reason without the written consent of Yonyou Cloud or affiliated companies. Otherwise, Yonyou Cloud has the right to legally pursue your legal responsibilities through legal channels.

6. Forces Majeure

A party subject to forces majeure may suspend the performance of the obligations under this agreement until the impact of the event of force majeure is eliminated, and it is not necessary to assume the liability for breach of contract, but reasonable efforts should be made to overcome the incident and reduce the increase in losses. Forces majeure refer to events that the party cannot control, foresee or avoid. Such force majeure events are sufficient to hinder, affect or delay any party's performance of all or part of its obligations under this agreement. The events include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, wars, and events caused by policy changes.

7. Limitation of Liability

1)     You understand and agree that your use of the Yonyou Cloud services and related network services will be entirely at your own risk and Yonyou does not assume any responsibility beyond the scope of this agreement.

2)     With the permission of the laws, for any indirect, punitive, special, derivative losses (including but not limited to business loss, loss of revenue, loss of profit, or other Loss of economic benefits, such as usage data, goodwill), Yonyou Cloud shall assume no responsibility, even if the possibility of such losses has been previously communicated.

3)     You understand and confirm that Yonyou does not assume any responsibility for the following services provided by Yonyou itself and any losses incurred by it:

(1) Yonyou Cloud provides you with free network services;

(2) Any free product or service that Yonyou Cloud gives or offers to you.

4)     You understand and confirm that Yonyou Cloud may not be able to provide services normally due to the following conditions, and Yonyou Cloud shall not be liable for the damages:

(1) During system downtime maintenance;

(2) Data cannot be transmitted due to failure of telecommunication equipment;

(3) Interruption or delay of services due to hacker attacks, technical adjustments or failures in the telecommunications sector, website upgrades, banking issues, etc.

5)     You understand and agree that any third-party claims arising from your use of the Yonyou Cloud services, breach of this agreement or any actions taken under your account shall be solely at your own risk. If this causes Yonyou Cloud and its affiliates, employees, customers, suppliers and partners to be claimed by a third party, you should assume full responsibility.

6)     The quality of services of your Yonyou Cloud partners that are accessed and used by the Yonyou Cloud services or the third-party service provider settled in Yonyou Cloud is only the responsibility of the third party. For this third-party service, Yonyou Cloud will not take any responsibility under any circumstances.

8. Applicable Laws and Dispute Resolution

The laws of the People's Republic of China apply to the validity, interpretation, modification, execution and dispute resolution of this agreement. All disputes arising from this agreement shall be submitted to the People's Court of Haidian District in Beijing for review.